Viktor Redreich
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Daddy can kiss me if he wants to

He can do whatever he wants to me, as much as he likes

He’s treated me so good for so many years

He’s not actually my dad of course, but he might as well be

He’s pretty much brought me up, he’s taught me so much, given me so much love

How could I not fall in love with him?

He’s the perfect guy

I’ve tried dating boys my own age... but frankly? They’re gross

I want Daddy so much, but I know he’ll never kiss me

Let alone love me the way that I love him

I’m less than half his age

I need to get my head on straight

Learn some self-control

I’m just the babysitter, and that’s all I’ll ever be!


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    Babysitter’s Daddy is a free new adult/contemporary romance novella by author Viktor Redreich.

    Viktor’s novels zoom-in on the lives of impressionable young ladies in relationships with powerful older men.

    A young maid having an affair with the man of the house, for example. Or a girl who falls in love with her mother’s ex-boyfriend. A well-behaved but attention-starved girl who finally finds the validation she craves in the arms of a wealthy businessman.

    Babysitter’s Daddy is a highly-rated, well-written introduction to Viktor Redreich’s vast body of work.

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